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  • Youth Incentive Award
    Deadline: November 1
    Amount: $400-$800
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    Sponsor: Coleopterists Society

    Eligibility: Applicants should be coleopterists in grades 7-12 and submit individual proposals such as field collecting trips to conduct beetle species inventories or diversity studies, attending workshops or visiting entomology or natural history museums for training and projects on beetles, studying beetle biology, etc. Students are strongly encouraged to find an adult advisor (i.e., teacher, youth group leader, parent) to provide guidance in the proposal development, but the proposal must be written by the applicant. The Coleopterists Society can help establish contacts between applicants and professional coleopterists. The award is based on creativity, educational benefit to the applicant, scientific merit, feasibility and budget. There are two winners: one for grades 7-9 and one for grades 10-12.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    Dr. David G. Furth, Entomology, NHB, MRC 165
    P.O. Box 37012
    Smithsonian institution
    Washington, DC 20013-7012

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