Verified Scholarship Directory

Here you will find our list of VERIFIED SCHOLARSHIPS organized into popular categories. This list is updated daily. To let our super smart algorithm match you to some amazing scholarships, please use our FREE SCHOLARSHIP SEARCH.

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  • IBTTA Foundation Scholarship Program
    Deadline: April 19
    Amount: $5,000
    Click for Detailskeyboard_arrow_down
    Sponsor: International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association Foundation

    Eligibility: Applicants must be current undergraduate college students who have completed at least two full semesters of undergraduate coursework or graduate students. Students must be planning to enroll full-time and have a minimum 2.5 GPA. Applicants must be pursuing a degree in one of the following fields: civil engineering, city and regional planning, construction management, public policy or public administration, structural engineering, finance, accounting, information technology, business management, marketing, communications, operations management or other transportation-related degrees.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    IBTTA Foundation Scholarship Program
    Scholarship America
    One Scholarship Way
    Saint Peter, MN 56082

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