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What is the Verified Shield?
This means a scholarship has passed our 12 Point Scholarship Verification Program. The scholarship awards the money it promises and never ever charges a fee of any kind to enter.
Scholarship Directory

View our directory of VERIFIED SCHOLARSHIPS. We've organized the most popular awards into easy to find categories such as SCHOLARSHIPS BY MAJOR or SCHOLARSHIPS BY INTEREST or the always popular SCHOLARSHIPS ANYONE CAN WIN.

Dr. Terry L. Dicianna Direct Scholarship Amount Varies
Glenda and Jay Haislip Memorial Scholarship Amount Varies
Margaret A. Pemberton Scholarship Amount Varies
Brown Bag Marketing Scholarship Essay Contest $1,000
Presidential Merit Scholarships $4,500
Karla Girts Memorial Community Outreach Scholars $2,000
Gordon Rankin Corrosion Engineering Scholarship $1,000
Dr. Paul P. Hunt Chemistry Achievement Award Amount Varies
Opportunity Scholarships (Economically Disadvant Amount Varies
Stuart Cameron and Margaret McLeod Memorial Scho $5,000
Huston Family Scholarship Amount Varies
Mary Lou Brown Scholarship $2,500
Achieving Your Dream Scholarship at Mesa Communi Amount Varies
Too Cool to Pay for School Scholarship $1,000
Bill and Joyce Coborn Memorial Scholarship $1,000
Dr. Janet Cornelius Scholarship Amount Varies
Sue Sellors Finley Drama Scholarship $3,000
California Chafee Grant for Foster Youth $5,000
Sertoma Scholarship for Students Who Are Hard of $1,000
Wisconsin Veterans Education Reimbursement Grant Full tuition
Alpha Delta Chi Fraternity Golden Anniversary Pr Amount Varies
NACA South Student Leadership Scholarships Amount Varies
Mary Lou Whittington Direct Scholarship Amount Varies
Howard P. Rawlings Guaranteed Access (GA) Grant $20,000
American National Bank and Trust Company Endowed Amount Varies
Healthcare Professional Scholarship $1,000
Howard Burk Scholarship $3,000
AndrewServes Scholarship $9,500
Stephen D. Pisinski Memorial Scholarship $2,000
Fred R. McDaniel Memorial Scholarship $1,000
Music Scholarship Amount Varies
American Legion 40 et 8 Nursing Scholarship Amount Varies
R.G. and Ruth Crossno Scholarship $4,000
Kansas Promise Scholarship Amount Varies
Patricia H. Suter Scholarship Amount Varies
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