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This means a scholarship has passed our 12 Point Scholarship Verification Program. The scholarship awards the money it promises and never ever charges a fee of any kind to enter.
Scholarship Directory

View our directory of VERIFIED SCHOLARSHIPS. We've organized the most popular awards into easy to find categories such as SCHOLARSHIPS BY MAJOR or SCHOLARSHIPS BY INTEREST or the always popular SCHOLARSHIPS ANYONE CAN WIN.

Chief Manuelito Scholarship Program $7,000
Church Matching Scholarship (Undergraduate) $1,300
Curry Grant Amount Varies
Willmar Civic Scholarship Association Dorothy $10,000
Nancy Lorraine Jensen Memorial Scholarship Full tuition
Early Collegiate School $5,000
Hugh A. Smith Scholarship Fund $500
Beverly Moynihan-Wiswall Memorial Scholarship $175
DVC Retirees Association Transferring Puente Stu $1,000
Mike Hylton Memorial Scholarship $1,000
Jennifer DiReeno Memorial Scholarship $525
Mary Ann Sharp Scholars Amount Varies
Curtis R. Huffman Memorial Scholarship Amount Varies
Bay Commitment Scholarship $2,000
Frieda and Joseph Drapkin Scholarship Amount Varies
Adrianna Andreini Scholarship $8,750
Helen Koepke Memorial Scholarship $1,000
Banana George Blair Ambassador Scholarship $2,200
Gilman International Scholarship $3,000
External Scholarships Amount Varies
Kansas Comprehensive Grants $10,000
Casanova (Lover of Books and Information) Schola $250
Dillman/Vergin Family Scholarship Amount Varies
Trustees Gilbert and Lombardo Scholarship Amount Varies
Community Care Auxiliary Health-Care Scholarship $1,000
Valerie Norbury Memorial Scholarship $1,050
John R. and Mary Blide Memorial Golf Scholarship Amount Varies
Crumley Roberts Next Step Scholarship $2,500
Carl and Tonya Hill Scholarship Amount Varies
Multicultural Student Scholarship Amount Varies
Mark Coats Memorial Scholarship $1,000
Eugene and Mary Nigro Memorial Scholarship $1,000
Bay County Medical Society Auxiliary Merit Fund Amount Varies
Don C. Banghart Forestry Scholarship $2,000
Gil and Blondie Vogt Scholarship Amount Varies
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