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What is the Verified Shield?
This means a scholarship has passed our 12 Point Scholarship Verification Program. The scholarship awards the money it promises and never ever charges a fee of any kind to enter.
Scholarship Directory

View our directory of VERIFIED SCHOLARSHIPS. We've organized the most popular awards into easy to find categories such as SCHOLARSHIPS BY MAJOR or SCHOLARSHIPS BY INTEREST or the always popular SCHOLARSHIPS ANYONE CAN WIN.

Centennial Arts Scholarship-OSHER $1,200
Anne-Marie Pyles Memorial Scholarship $400
Hawaii Rotary Youth Foundation Scholarship $5,000
Romeo Historical Society/Charles E. Keller Schol Amount Varies
Alta McClelland Scholarship Amount Varies
Scholarships for Incoming Students Residing in M Full tuition
Coca-Cola Community College Academic Team $1,500
Transfer Scholarship Amount Varies
Bridges/Burke Social Work Scholarship Amount Varies
Indian Hills Nursing Graduates Scholarship Amount Varies
Bonner Leader Scholarships $5,000
Akron Community Foundation Scholarship $500
Allan Jerome Burry Scholarship $1,000
Rick Sypolt Land Surveying Scholarship $3,000
Edmund F. Maxwell Foundation Scholarship $5,000
Maeband Scholarship $500
Fruit of the Vine Scholarship- Napa Valley Colle $1,000
Margaret Hart Transfer Grant $13,000
Chapel Hills Christian Church Scholarship Amount Varies
William J. Wolf Memorial Scholarship Fund $17,000
David Wyrick Memorial Scholarship $135
United Methodist Recognition Award Amount Varies
NYSFHB Humanities/Computer Science Scholarship $400
Cafe Bustelo El Cafe Del Futuro Scholarship $5,000
Ron DePry Scholarship $500
Anthony Wai Chiu Tam Science Achievement Award Amount Varies
Make Great Things Happen Foundation Scholarship $1,000
VSG Monaghan Scholarship $1,000
Shirley and Joseph Boscov Scholars Program $25,000
Dr. Leroy L. Kohler Outstanding Junior/Senior So Amount Varies
Four-year or Bachelor's Degree Program $7,500
Ron Culp Scholarship for Mentorship $1,000
Friends of High Gate Scholarship Amount Varies
Lucy Kasparian Aharonian Scholarship $1,000
Ronnie Mendheim Memorial Scholarship Amount Varies
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