The future of
The Club Industry

The mission of The Club Foundation is to raise funds to financially support the club management profession through education, research, and outreach initiatives.

What will my donation do?
Each year, The Club Foundation provides critical financial support for club professionals at every stage in their career. Since 1988, The Club Foundation has awarded more than $8 million in scholarships and grants, providing professional development opportunities, education and research, and essential training for up-and-coming leaders, students, and CMAA chapters. Your contribution, combined with the donations of so many others, supports the career development of those who grow the success of clubs around the nation.


The Club Foundation was created in 1988 as the only 501(c)3 organization focused solely on the club industry. The Foundation seeks to fund the life cycle of a club manager’s career. Therefore, The Club Foundation provides dollars for the following five key areas: 1) Students 2) Faculty 3) Club Managers 4) CMAA Chapters 5) Industry at Large. The Club Foundation has a donor base of constituents that seek to further the knowledge and skills of those individuals that lead country clubs, yacht clubs, city clubs, and more.

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